i started out friday morning on the scale. i fell just about half a pound short of my 30 pound goal, but i was pretty happy with that. i worked hard for those 29.5 pounds, and i felt good when i left home. good enough that 5 minutes into the trip when the bass player pulled out a dozen pumpkin cookies, i wasn't even tempted. the good thing about traveling with 4 boys is that the entire dozen was demolished 90 minutes into the trip.
the drive to new york went pretty well. i had my well-stocked lunchbox, and i snacked on grapes in the morning while they ate cookies. we stopped at mcdonald's for lunch. i ate my hummus and guac on pita chips and cucumbers. later in the car i had more hummus on celery. the trip went quickly. we sang, watched movies, fought about politics, the usual. this is rick, the guitar player, practicing in the car.
once we got into NY things got dicey. chris' GPS was not kind to us and took us the most asinine route possible...RIGHT through midtown manhattan. the boys were not pleased, but i was secretly pumped to get ride through the concrete jungle. personally i don't feel like the traffic was that bad considering it was a friday at 5pm. and then once we got on the other side of the city, i got to see the sun setting as the backdrop to the skyline, and it made my heart sing.
when we got to the venue, they wanted to feed us. i was starving by this point. i maybe could have made a slightly better selection by getting a salad, but i didn't do too poorly. the burgers looked amazing, but i had a crispy flatbread topped with olive oil, sea salt, goat cheese (my fave), grilled mushrooms and asparagus. i ate every bite. and i had one of chris' sweet potato fries. no dessert.
the show itself was pretty kickass. but since we had been up since 5am, we were more than ready to get back to the hotel and crash. i almost ended up having to make a terrible pizza decision, but the last delivery was at 2am and we had missed the deadline. i finished my guac in my room and went to bed. the hotel and my room were both pretty sweet. the advantage of being the only girl with the band is that i always get my own room.
we got up about 5 hours later, showered and prepared to hit the road. our hotel was on the beach, so first we went outside to take a few photos.
it was such a gorgeous (although cold) morning. there were even about a dozen surfers in the water.
and birds playing in the sand...
and here are my boys...my dysfunctional family, otherwise known as ONE. they were hungry (so was i) after the beach photos, so we landed at an IHOP. the pumpkin pancakes were calling my name, but i opted for the "fit and fresh" veggie egg substitute omelet with a fruit cup instead.
several hours later we were starving again and someone asked to stop at taco bell.
i rolled my eyes. chris said, "you won't eat there, will you?" he's the same kind soul who felt badly about eating the triple beef boat in front of me last week. i said i wouldn't, but not to let that stop them. so then we passed a chinese buffet and their eyes lit up. i agreed that i would make this my "special meal." they wanted to buy me a meal for my birthday. so i wasn't "good" there. but i've done more damage at a chinese buffet in the past. i had hot and sour soup, then a plate of various small bites of other things. i crammed about 6 cheese wontons down my throat, then finished up with a small bowl of chocolate and strawberry ice cream.
the rest of the drive home was uneventful. i was entertained for hours by the setting sun and beautiful sky. we didn't stop again after the buffet, so there were no more decisions to make. when i got home i had about 3 bites of buffalo dip my sister had made, and a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. my final treats before getting back with the program. today i took it easy on food, training my tummy to shrink back to where it was. i went to zumba, then followed that with 30 minutes of c25k walk/run intervals. my fitness level has improved from last week. the first day i did my week 4 program my heart rate was at 178 after my 5 minute run. today it was only 164. getting better all the time.
tomorrow is my birthday, and i desperately want to use it as an excuse to eat many, many delicious things. but i am going to try my best not to let it derail my progress. i'll be very interested to see what the scale says tomorrow after my weekend. if it's bad news it will make behaving much, much harder.
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