Tuesday, February 25, 2014

i'm ok!!

just a quickie to let you know i'm here, and i'm ok. as planned, i ate everything...and i mean EVERYTHING over the weekend with my mom. we had 5 of the most decadent meals of my life, and a constant supply of chocolates in our hotel room, all rounded out by plenty of wine. i couldn't even deal with knowing what i weighed when i got home. but i started a fat fast right away, and i'm just wrapping up day 2 of that, and i feel great. i did weigh this morning and i was up about 4 pounds. that seems fair based on what i did. i actually started eating on thursday at lunchtime, so we're looking at about a pound per day of cheating. but i've stuck to the fat fast perfectly yesterday and today, and i spent 2 hours in the gym last night and again tonight. i felt pretty amazing tonight, even though prior to the workout i felt a bit shaky. i ran so much better tonight than i have since december. all in all, things are good. i feel strong again, i feel my resolve creeping back as march gets closer. first 5k of 2014 is sunday. i won't make any PR's, but i will finish it. i went almost 3 miles tonight with no problem, which restored my confidence.

i really want to show you a better version of myself than i have since thanksgiving. you've been on the roller coaster with me, and i'm really trying to make it stop now. i've had my fun, it's time to get myself into a cute swimsuit in june!


  1. Glad you enjoyed your weekend! Choosing the freedom to do so prevents the self critic today and I think helps you be back on track easier. Well done!

    1. Thank you! it did make it so much easier going in with the decision made to eat, as well as a recovery plan. and the fat fast is going perfectly. down 2.8 from yesterday!
