Tuesday, February 18, 2014

we can work it out.

hey you! yeah you. thanks for showing up tonight.

today sucked. but it will sound good on paper: i got to stay home from work because of bad weather. but i spent the day feeling guilty and wondering if everyone was talking about me. i live 35 minutes from my job an often have a far different weather and road situation here than they have there. so while it looks clear to them, i'm saying "i can't get off of my street, and they're thinking, "yeah right." then i spent 90 minutes trying to clear the very wet, heavy snow from my driveway and enough out of the road to be able to back out in the morning. then i just had a few small disappointments here and there that got me down.

so... what's a girl to do with all of this frustration? work it out. i hit the gym around 8:00 and stayed for 2 hours. i did 40 minutes on the treadmill, then i did the weigh machines in the 30-minute circuit, repeating most of them twice. then i tried a few new machines i hadn't been on before. i actually wouldn't have minded staying longer, but when i saw it was 10 i wanted to get home so i can go to bed.

had to fight off some hunger today. drank a lot of coffee and ate almond butter for breakfast. i had a big lunch that was delish, i called it an omelet pizza. before the gym i had 2 atkins bars. i know i need to start flipping my meals so i eat bigger meals earlier in the day, and taper off at night. it's hard though because i'm at home tonight to cook AND i like eating a nicer meal at night after work. but it makes sense to eat more calorie dense meals earlier in the day.

so my mom and i are taking that trip this weekend, and we have 7 restaurants we want to try! it's cleveland restaurant week, and some of the best places are having these awesome specials on special menus they've put together. so my plan is to work hard until friday and get a deficit going, then splurge over the weekend, hopefully breaking even. i have looked forward to this trip for a year, and it's unfortunate that it's happening when i'm just getting back on track from my struggles. but i want to just enjoy it. i will try to make the best decisions i can. but there WILL be desserts. our hotel has a gym...

heading to bed now before i stick a lot more almond butter in my mouth. i could really polish off the jar right about now after that workout!

1 comment:

  1. Omg I know what that snow is like! Ugh! We had 2 big dumps here of REALLY heavy wet crap this winter, and I got snowed in think it was 2 work days I missed. I have a small car and it was to the top of my tires lol. Wow you did great at the gym! do you like doing free weights too with dumbbells? I love them lol.
    I think that's a really good plan to work hard ahead of time after all you want to enjoy the trip with your mom and not feel so restricted.
