Wednesday, April 25, 2012

old habits are reborn hard

i completely forgot to write last night! i used to be in such a habit of posting something. i guess this is one of many habits i have to re-form. 

yesterday was a breeze. i need to change the header of the blog because this is no longer a juice fast. i don't know WHAT it is. but yesterday i stuck to raw fruits and veggies, with the exception of bacos (which are a vegan food) but i wouldn't consider them to be raw. i had spinach, apples, grapes, garbanzo beans, carrots, all sorts of good-for-me things. and i went back to zumba for the first time in months and didn't die. 

today was a food day at work. pizza, brownies, etc. right now i'm in that euporhic "new diet" phase so it didn't bother me even a tiny bit. i brought grapes and apples for my contribution and it looks like they have been well received. 

when i was juicing i tried to "detour" the effort by buying bottles of a "mean green" juice. i loved it at first. it tasted good, it was easy, it was affordable. i bought it by the case. well then one day i just couldn't stomach it anymore. i have 6 bottles left. i brought one to work thinking maybe enough time had passed and i'd be able to enjoy it again. i just poured some and got through about 3 drinks of it. i don't see me ever drinking it again. i think i'd rather starve. 

the recipe i made at home in the fall that tastes similar to freshly mowed grass actually sounds GOOD to me right now in comparison

i need to figure out some other things to eat. right now i'm not really expanding any horizons. and i want to make sure i get enough calories. funny to go from pigging out to thinking "i hope i'm eating enough." diets are so weird. i wish i could just go without food entirely and take a pill for nutrition that made me feel full. problem solved. 


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