Wednesday, February 26, 2014

BIG decisions

well, day 3 of the fat fast is almost in the books with zero difficulty. i found philadelphia spinach artichoke cream cheese today, which was incredible. i ate that twice, had two helpings of the salmon flavor, some laughing cow... seriously totally and completely not hungry.

and better than that... down 2.8lb on the scale today from yesterday! it's working!

i'm seriously so tired i can't get into a long blog, but i have been really contemplating a huge decision tonight. it's a 13.1 mile decision, if that's any indication. i'm excited and terrified, and need to decide by tuesday.

anyway, no time to be clever or motivational tonight. i will write tomorrow, because i'm speaking to another tops group after work about my weight loss and i'll want to fill you in on how it goes. i guess i should wear something cute tomorrow instead of my usual jeans and hoodie. ugh. gotta go figure THAT out i guess.


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